Location: United States

I am a 45-year-old widowed father of five (one deceased). My life revolves around whatever events my children participate in.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Crawford Family Updates:

I noticed that I have not updated this for awhile (thank you for reminding me, Beth), so I thought I would pass along some updated news on the family.


Rachel: Rachel is back from camp now. She spent the last three weeks in northern Georgia at the same camp she attended last year. She made several friends while there, and I don't think she was ready to leave when we picked her up. The boys and I flew up there on August 5th, and the trip was very interesting at best. Rachel will be an official 8th grader next Tuesday. Thank God for school uniforms, so that does save on having to shop in that department for school. We ordered some new uniforms, and they should be here in time for school. Honestly, she hasn't really grown out of last year's clothes.

Elijah: Eli has written his first novel at the age of nine (a regular Hemingway if you ask me), and he's looking forward to your approval, Pop. It's titled, "The Big Dog." It's a great suspense novel of friendship and struggle on the mean carpets of an old farmhouse. It's all of ten pages, but it has amazing illustrations, if I may dote. When he let me read it the other day, I got in my office drawer and pulled out a set of star stickers. I found a gold one, and I stuck it on the front. It's now officially published. ;) In school news, Eli is ready to venture back into the classroom. He's going to be in 4th grade this year, and he already has his backpack filled with the supplies he needs to start the school year off on the right foot.

Brooks: Brooks is not as anxious to start school as his older brother, but he did perk up when we ordered his uniforms the other day. I let him pick out his clothes, which consist of either three combinations of colors, but it allowed him the opportunity to decide for himself. He's going into 3rd grade this year, and he's looking forward to creating more projects in Science. That's his favorite subject. In other Brooks news, he received a little trophy the other day from a local library. It was a "Mission to Read" program that was held all summer long, and he read the most books this summer out of 200 kids in his age group. The trophy had a little space shuttle on it and a book. The plate even had his name on it. It was pretty impressive. He beamed when he won it, and it hasn't left the table beside his bed since he brought it home unless it was to show those who have not seen it.

Chase: Chase is undergoing one of the biggest changes of all the kids. He is beginning Kindergarten this year, and it's still up in the air as to how he is feeling about this step. One day, he wants to go to school. The next day, he wants to cling to my knees. I don't know how he will react when the day finally arrives next Tuesday. He, like Brooks, did become excited when we ordered his first official school uniforms. He's one of the "big kids" now. He has lost another tooth recently as well. He was excited to wake up and realize that the Tooth Fairy left him a dollar. I took the boys to Buccaneers training camp the weekend before last, and the tooth just popped out. He looked scared and nervous when he saw the blood, but he didn't want to leave the stands. I had to stick the tooth in a pocket of my wallet, and Chase drank some of my bottled water. We even ended up getting a few autographs, so I think that cheered his day up. He's growing up so fast, Pop, Mama and Papa O, girls and families, you wouldn't hardly recognize him. I hope you received the pictures I sent you of the cook-out.

Me: I am about as well as I can be right now, I think. It becomes busy around this time of year with school right around the corner, but it should calm down once they are back in. I am still considering the move, but I am worried that this would take me back to where I was a few years ago. I haven't explored the option since I was approached with it, and I'm just going to play it by ear right now. Karen, you would be proud of your baby brother. I managed to cook your lasagna without burning it this time. It tastes better that way, and even Chase ate every bite. Thank you for passing along that recipe. Brooks was hesitant, but then I told him that Aunt Karen sent me the recipe. He ate it.

I went to the cemetary this morning, and there were flowers on Natalie's grave. I did not know who put them there, but I noticed that they were also on the graves of every young child in that cemetary. I thought that it was a nice gesture from whoever might have put them there. I went to the funeral home office, and they said that they did not place them there. It's a sweet mystery. I cut back the grass, and I wiped the dirt off of their markers. I left Rachel at home with the boys, so I could not stay for a great length of time. There was a new call home, however, as there was a dirt mound about 20 feet from where I stood.


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